Sunday, February 28, 2010



Before you've even opened your sewing pattern, make sure you have read the instructions thoroughly TWICE if necessary! Follow each step carefully, and in order. There's always a reason why the steps are in the order that they are, so resist the temptation to skip or swap steps around!
When you're buying fabric of a bolt, be sure to write down the care instructions that are on the label on the roll. Pin these instructions to your fabric until you are ready to use it. I'm sure we all have piles of fabric at home that we've bought a long time ago and have forgotten what sort of fabric it is and how to launder it.
Before you buy fabric to go with your pattern, make sure that you've checked the instructions on the pattern to see if there are any particularly good fabrics to use with that pattern, plus any fabrics to avoid.
When buying sewing pins, the ones with glass or plastic heads are easier to use and very useful when you find it difficult to see and pick up regular sewing pins.
Be sure to cover your sewing machine when you've finished using it. Dust and lint building up in and on your machine is the biggest cause of machine break-downs.
When you're making a garment with a lining, or mixed materials, make sure that all of the fabrics can be laundered the same way (ie all machine washable, or all dry-clean only. Pre-wash all appropriate fabric being used so that they can shrink in equal amounts before the patterns are cut out.

If your thimble is loose, try wrapping thin strips of tape inside the thimble, this way it will snuggly fit your finger. I find that surgical/medical tape is best as it does not slip.
The easiest way to thread a sewing machine needle, or hand sewing needle, is to trim the end of your thread on an angle before putting it through the eye of the needle. It also helps if you have a white background to work in front of.
When threading a needle, don't moisten the end of the thread as this will cause it to swell up and make the job more difficult.
Have you ever had trouble removing the crease from a hem that you've just let down? You can try spraying it with an equal mix of white vinegar and water and pressing the crease with a pressing cloth. If this still doesn't work, you can try to use the vinegar straight, but test this on a discreet area of your garment first if you are going to use this method.
The best way to store your rotary cutting mat is to use a pants hanger from your wardrobe, the type with the clips at the top. You can then hang it up vertically on the back of your sewing room door without any risk of it getting damaged, plus it also gets it out of the way when you're not using it.
Don't put linen fabric or garments in a dryer. This will break down the flax fibers, so it is better if these items are air-dried.

When you want to pre-shrink fabric before cutting out your pattern, zig-zag or serge the raw edges of the fabric. This prevents the fabric from fraying in the wash.
To stop your sewing machine foot pedal from straying try putting a piece of Sure-Grip drawer liner underneath it. It helps the pedal to grip onto the carpet or timber flooring. (Readily available from any home improvement store, or large supermarket). It's also useful to put a piece under your sewing machine to reduce vibrations.
If you're travelling with a basic sewing repair kit, but can't carry scissors (due to airline restrictions) you can always use the "cutter" from your dental floss pack instead of scissors to trim thread.
Velvet garments are very unforgiving when it comes to re-sizing or letting hems out as the stitch marks from the original seam will still be evident.
When using fusible interfacing be sure to trim it inside the fabric lines to stop the adhesive from getting on your ironing board. It also avoids bulk by doing this.
Never iron directly onto fabric with a nap - it will detrimentally change the look and feel of the nap. Always use a pressing cloth with care. Never iron velvet - it needs to be steamed as it is a piled fabric.

Store scraps of fabric in a container near your sewing machine so that they're readily available when you want to test different types of stitches and tensions.
After pre-washing your cotton fabric, leave it a little damp before ironing it. Ironing when slightly damp will make it easier to release wrinkles.
When you are creating buttonholes on a garment make sure that they are applied vertically on blouses and shirts, and horizontally on jackets and coats.
If you've snagged a favorite sweater, don't trim the loose threads or otherwise this could cause raveling. Turn the garment inside out and carefully feed the loose thread loop to the wrong side (a crochet needle is good at grabbing the thread and pulling it through)
If you've torn or ripped fabric or a garment, don't launder it until you've mended it; washing it first could cause more damage.
When cutting fabric with sewing scissors, take long bites of the fabric and don't let the scissor tips shut completely; stop about 1" from the tip. Re-open the scissors, slide them along the fabric and continue cutting. You will achieve a much cleaner cut this way.
Always purchase a spare button for the garment you are making so that if you lose one you don't need to search around stores trying to find a matching one. You can sew the spare to an inside seam of your garment so that it is readily available.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Hey Guys,
I want to Thank you all for commenting on my blog, being that I am new to this, I am not sure as to how to comment or rather answer you all back individually, but I will like to Thank you all for doing so.

I like to sew and for Aclesia, sorry if I spell your name wrong, the clothes that I wear to class or rather for work I sew most of my clothes out of 100, I sew about 95%of my outfits, I use to sew for people but I stopped. I really started to sew for myself because I hated to see myself Mirrored and this was from the time I was in school.

Take care ALL and Thanks again for the comments. Like I said I like to sew and maybe when I retired from the Government I will go back and work on contract teaching students at an after school program How to Sew........LOL

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

How to sew a straight seam

Sewing a straight Seam

Okay, so sewing seems to be intimidating to many people, but yet, it comes in very handy. Often people say things like "I can't even sew a straight line". Okay, that straight line is called a "seam". It is not that difficult, really. There are two ways to sew. Either you are sewing by hand or using a sewing machine. We will tackle each way of sewing a straight seam, and you will see that it is not that tough to do if you set your mind to it. Once you can sew that straight seam you can do a number of things. You can mend a ripped seam in clothing, you can hem pants and skirts, and you can sew up the torn end of your comforter, heck you can even start to make a quilt!

First you will need some tools:

Scissors or a rotary cutter (for cutting the fabric)
4 pieces of fabric cut to 4" x 4"
Hand sewing needle
Sewing machine

Sewing by hand. Okay, first you need a two pieces of fabric for this exercise. Let’s say, two squares that are 4 inches by 4 inches. Place the fabrics with the right sides together (the right side is the side with the pattern boldly printed on it; the wrong side is the back of the fabric). Now it should look like you have 1 square of fabric, not two. Now, using your ruler and your pencil, draw a straight line 1/4 of an inch from the edge of one side of the fabric (this will become your seam). Okay, now, thread your needle, and tie a knot in the end of your thread. Now, following that drawn line, push the needle up through the fabric, pull the thread taught. Now you will push the needle back down through the fabric, pulling it out from the backside. You want each stitch to be small eventually, but to start, just focus on making each stitch the same size. Repeat this over and over until you reach the end of your drawn line. Tie a knot again in the thread, and pull it through the line one more time, and then cut off your thread. Take it to your ironing board (or wherever you do your ironing) and carefully press (not iron, just press it) the fabric open, so it looks like you have one piece of fabric now, instead of two. Voila, you have sewn a straight seam! (If it is not straight, you did not sew on your drawn line so just try it again).

Sewing by machine. This, to me, is a much easier way to sew a straight line (and a ton faster!) Again, place two 4 inches by 4 inch squares of fabric right sides together. Thread your sewing machine (if you do not know how to thread your machine, read your manual or even do a search online for how to thread your particular machine). Line your square up underneath the presser foot (the little silver foot like thing that is underneath your needle, make sure the foot is up), most presser feet have a line on them. We will use this line as our "guide" for where to sew. Lower your presser foot. Keeping a light hand on your fabric, slowly start to sew, this is not a race, speed comes later. Make sure that with every stitch, your fabric is still lined up with the line on the presser foot. When you reach the end of your fabric, you can take a couple of back stitches (again, read your manual to find how to back stitch, every machine is different), then cut the thread. Take it to your ironing board and press open like you did with the hand sewing. Always remember you are pressing (pushing down on the iron) not ironing (sliding the iron back and forth. If you iron it, you will stretch out the fabric making it look funny.
See, it really is not so hard, it just takes practice. If you can master this, you can do so many things.

Monday, February 8, 2010

How to sew with Pattern

How to sew by Pattern

Sewing patterns are typically cut out and pinned to the fabric. After the pattern pieces are pinned to the fabric, the fabric is then cut. The sewer then marks the patterns and starts sewing the pieces together to complete the project. Read the article below, for more information Select an easy pattern with a small number of pattern pieces. Read the pattern envelope to help select the appropriate fabric and notions (sewing supplies) needed for the sewing project. Buy the correct size by having a friend measure you first. Don't buy the size you get ready-made clothing in. Pattern sizing is very different. Look on the back of the pattern envelope and determine your size by the 'finished' measurements.

Open the envelope and read the directions. Find each pattern piece that you will need to use and cut it out. Pin the pieces together using 5/8" seam allowance. Make sure you double-check the seam allowance in the pattern because not all patterns use 5/8". You will have 1/2 of the garment. Have a friend check the fit and help you make any needed alterations in size or length.
Read the pattern user guide (sheet) to determine the sewing patterns' layout on the fabric. Be sure you understand the grain line of your fabric--this is the same as the direction of the selvage edges. Also check your fabric print to see if any images will be upside down.
Layout the patterns according to the user guide.
Pin the pattern pieces to the fabric following the user guide. You can also use pattern weights so you won't damage fine/delicate fabric with your needles.
Use a pair of scissors specifically earmarked for cutting out paper sewing patterns. Keep another pair of 8" long scissors specifically earmarked for cutting out fabric. Sewing patterns tend to dull scissors and sharp scissors are needed to easily cut fabric. Cut the fabric using the pattern pieces as a guide.
Mark the patterns using tailors chalk or a tracing wheel and tracing paper. You can also make tape labels for the back of each pattern piece so you won't get confused when you start to sew and don't know what you are looking at.
Edit Tips
• Choose a simple pattern for a first-time sewing project that has few seam lines and few pattern pieces. Also look for an easy-fit or looser garment style. Don't try anything that has to be lined with another fabric.
• For sewing your first pattern, don't buy expensive fabric because you may not be able to fix mistakes.
• Read the user guide (sheet) before starting the project.
• Have a good sewing book such as the "Reader's Digest Guide to Sewing" or other well known text on the subject. Vintage and older publications are fine too.
• Double-check measurements, seam allowances, and needle-type for your fabric. Not all sewing machine needles are the same.
• Determine the right side and wrong side of the fabric. The wrong side is the fabric worn against the body once the garment is completed. Use a pin to mark the wrong side of the fabric.
• Also determine the grain line or direction of the fabric: locate the selvage edge. The term 'nap' refers to the up-and-down nature of a print (could the design be cut upside down by accident?)
• Some easy sewing patterns are available from most major sewing companies. Some major sewing pattern companies include New Look, Butterick, Simplicity and McCall. These patterns are clearly marked 'easy' and can be found at almost any fabric store.
Edit Things You'll Need
• Sewing pattern
• Pins --- for a simple project one box should be enough. Pins are always used in sewing so you can never have too many, and pearl head pins are the best.
• Pin cushion to store the pins. A magnetic "pin cushion" is an updated notion and very handy.
• Tailor's chalk or a tracing paper and tracing wheel to mark the fabric for darts etc.
• Tape Measure to find your measurements and check the pattern.
• Paper scissors and fabric shears
• Large, smooth cutting surface (clean floors are OK)
• Colored pen to mark alterations on the paper pattern. Scotch tape to 'take in' paper pattern, and make alterations to fit.
• it is easier to just pin the design down
After all pieces are pinned down, Now it is time to cut out all the pieces.